MC Crossfit - 7th Anniversary Announcement
MCXF Fit Fam, We're pleased to share the following video and announcement with you as we celebrate our 7th anniversary. Lots to be...

MC Fit Fam, Did you know that this weekend marks our 7th anniversary?!! That's right. Seven years ago, on May 12th, we officially opened...

RESCHEDULE NOTICE - 2023 CrossFit Kids
Please note - the MCXF Crossfit Kids Sessions that were previously scheduled to go live on April 26th is postponed until after May. We...

Spring 2023 MCXF Member Communication
MCXF Family , Our commitment to be the #bestinKC means that we are always looking for ways to enhance your membership investment and...

Restorative Yoga at MCXF!! - Join us Feb 10th at 6:45 PM
MCXF if happy to announce the start of a regular series of yoga classes by Natalie Pellow. A key part of our comprehensive fitness...

Have you ever wondered how Benchmarks are born?
Have you ever wondered where benchmark workouts come from? These iconic workouts help us gauge our fitness, progress, and are a fun way...